These dogs are not for sale. All of our breeding dogs live with and retire with their guardian families.
Meet Zoe. Our very best mom and the one that started it all. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, DM, MD, Ich, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, vWD1, and NEwS. She weighs 55lbs. and stands 25 inches high.
Meet ” Bella “. Our sweet and silly southern belle. She is an ACA chocolate and white standard Poodle. She weighs 47lbs and stands 25 inches high. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, vWD1, DM, and NEwS. Her color code is bbEE.
Meet ” Ginny “. Our tiny little sweetheart. She is an F1b Petite Goldendoodle. She is 20lbs and stands 15 inches high. She is health tested for hips, elbows, patellas, heart, eyes, DM, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, Ich, MD, NEwS, vWD1, and OCD. She is a rare silver sable, is parti factored, and her color code is BBEe.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles “Lacey”. She is an F1b English standard goldendoodle. We expect gorgeous puppies from her, in a rainbow of colors. Chocolate, cream, red, and black. She is 44 lbs. and stands 24″ high. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, DM, MD, GRPRA 1, GRPRA 2, PRCD, NeWS, vWD1, and Ich. She is parti factored and her color code is BbEe.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Ambrosia ” Little Abby. She is an F3 English Petite Goldendoodle. She is a red and white sable colored parti, is 15 inches high, and weighs 20lbs. She brings us a rainbow of colors in her puppies, in a small little package. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, MD, DM, Ich, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, vWD1, and NEwS.
Meet MSR’s ” Scooby Doodle “. He is an English F1b Standard Parti Goldendoodle. He will give us beautiful puppies, in a rainbow of colors, with very sweet, laid back temperaments. He is 25 inches high and weighs 55lbs. His color code is bbee, and is health tested for hips, elbows, eyes, heart, patellas, DM, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, Ich, MD, NEwS, and vWD1.
Meet Lady D’s Phantom “Princess” of Paradise. Princess is a chocolate phantom miniature poodle. She is 14.5 inches high and weighs 10lbs. She is the sweetest little girl. She is health tested for hips, elbows, eyes, heart, patellas, PRA-PRCD, DM, NEwS, and vWD1. Her color code is bbEe, atat, kyky.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ‘ Lilly “. She is a fawn sable F3 English Petite Goldendoodle. She carries all colors of sable, phantom, and is parti factored. She is 16 inches high and weighs 20lbs. Her color code is BBEe and she is health tested for Hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, Ich, MD, NEwS, and vWD1.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Pixie “. She is a Multigen Medium chocolate and white Parti Goldendoodle. She is 22 inches high and 40lbs. and has mini and medium puppies in a variety of colors. Her color code is bbEe and she is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, patellas, eyes, DM, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, Ich, MD, NEwS, and vWD1.
Meet “Siena” of Ryan’s Goldens. Siena is a red F1 Mini Goldendoodle. She is a future mom that will give us beautiful red puppies, in a fun mini size. She is 16 inches high and weighs 26lbs. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, Ich, MD, NEwS, prcd-PRA, and vWD1. Her color code is BBee.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Sammi “. She is a Multigen Medium Parti Goldendoodle. She is 25 inches high and weighs 55lbs. Her color code is bbEe, and she is health tested for Hips, Elbows, Patellas, Heart, Eyes, DM, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, Ich, MD, NEwS, and vWD1.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Piper “. She is a Multigen English cream standard Goldendoodle. She is a wonderful mom who gives us big, gorgeous, English cream puppies with very laid back temperaments. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, patellas, eyes, DM, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, Ich, MD, NEws, and vWD1. She is 55lbs and 27 inches high.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Frankie “. She is an F2b English cream standard Goldendoodle. She is as sweet and laid back, as she is beautiful. She is 24 inches high and weighs 52lbs. She is health tested for hips, elbows, eyes, heart, patellas, DM, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, Ich, NEwS, MD, and vWD1. Her color code is Bbee.
Meet ” Ruby ” of Farmer Doodles. She is a red multigen mini goldendoodle. She is 29lbs. and 18 inches high. We are so excited to have her. She is a sweet little mom who brings us puppies in shades of reds and apricots. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, MD, Ich, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, NEwS, and vWD1.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Kira “. Kira is a Multigen Mini Goldendoodle. She is a sweet little mom who gives us parti puppies in a variety of colors. She is 30lb. and stands 19 inches high. Her color code is Bbee, and she is health tested for hips, elbows, eyes, heart, patellas, DM, MD, Ich, NEwS, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, and vWD1.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ‘Aspen”. Aspen is an Old English Sheepdog and will be a mom to our sheepadoodles. She is 23 inches high and 55lbs. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, EIC, MDR1, and PCD. Her color code is BBEE atat kbkb.
Meet ” Ziggy “. Our handsome little man. Ziggy is a sable F1b English Mini Goldendoodle. He is 15 inches high and 35lbs., is parti factored, and carries phantom. He is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, DM, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, Ich, MD, NEwS, vWD1, and OCD. His color code is BBEE, ay/at, ky/ky.
Meet KFF’s “Hazel Grace”. She is a rare chocolate merle Mini English Goldendoodle. We have waited a long time to add such a beautiful girl to our program. She is the mom of our merle colored puppies. Her color code is bbEe and she carries parti. She is 23lbs. and 17 inches high. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, GM2, NEwS, DM, PRCD, vWD1, vWD2, OCD, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, SAN, and Ich.
Meet Red Royal’s Miss ” Marley “. Marley is a F1b Red Standard Goldendoodle. She is a super laid back girl who gives us puppies in shades of red and apricot. She weighs 63lbs, is 26 inches high, and is also parti factored. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM,GM2, NEwS, OCD, PRCD, vWD1, vWD2, SAN, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, Ich, and DEB.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Josie “. Josie is a Multigen English Cream Standard Goldendoodle. She is a beautiful English cream with the sweetest temperament. Her color code is BBee, she is 68lb. and stands 25 inches high. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, MD, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, NEwS, vWD1, and Ich.
Meet GVD’s “Violet”. Violet is an Old English Sheepdog and will be a future mom for our mini Sheepadoodles. She is 39lbs, 20 inches high, and health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, EIC, MDR1, and PCD. Her color code is atat kykb.
Meet ” Cosmo “. Our big sweet teddy bear. He is an F1 English cream standard Goldendoodle. He weighs 75lbs and stands 24 inches high. He is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, DM, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, Ich, MD, NEwS, and vWD1. His color code is BBee.
Meet Blessed Day Doodles ” Radda “. Radda is a petite red abstract goldendoodle. He is a future stud who will bring us petite and mini puppies. We are very excited to have him join the Cedar Lake Doodles family. He is 15lbs. and 14 inches high. He is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, MD, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, PRA-PRCD, Ich, NEwS, and vWD1. His color code is BBee.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles “Lucille” aka “Lulu”. Lulu is a Multigen Mini Goldendoodle. She is sweet as pie, just like her mom Ruby. She is 32lbs, 18 inches high, and health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, Ich, MD, NEwS, prcd-PRA, and vWD1.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles “Amber”. Amber is a Mini English Multigen Goldendoodle. She is a phantom tuxedo who will have a rainbow of colors and patterns in her puppies. She is 17 inches high and 24lbs., BbEE, kyky atat. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, Ich, MD, NEwS, prcd-PRA, and vWD1.
Meet Goldendoodles by Ellie’s sweet little ” Maui “. Maui is a Medium Multigen English Goldendoodle. She is has the sweetest chocolate babies. Her color code is bbEe, kykb, ata. She is 20 inches high and 40lbs. She is health tested for hips, elbows, eyes, heart, patellas, DM, MD, Ich, prcd-PRA, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, vWD1, and NEwS.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles “Pennie”. Pennie is a Multigen Medium Double Doodle. Her color code is bbee. She is 47lbs, 24 inches high, and health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, CNM, DM, EIC, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, HNPK, Ich, NCL-GR, NEwS, prcd-PRA, SD2, and vWD1.
Meet Goldendoodle Acres ‘ Riley “. Riley is a Multigen Mini Goldendoodle. She is a future mom who will bring us beautiful apricot and red puppies. She is 22lbs, 17 inches high, and health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, CDDY, CDPA, DM, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, Ich, MD, NEwS, prcd-PRA, and vWD1.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles “Kona”. Kona is Mini English Multigen Goldendoodle. She is a beautiful wavy chocolate abstract. She gives us sweet little chocolate puppies. Her color code is bbEE. She is !8 inches high and 25lbs. She is health tested for hips. elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, MD, Ich, prcd-PRA, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, vWD1, and NEwS.
Meet Candy Doodles Sweet “Reece’s”. Reece is a mini multigen chocolate phantom goldendoodle. She gives us amazing mini puppies in all colors and patterns. She is 29lbs. and 17 inches high. Her color code is bbEe, atat, kyky,. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, Ich, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, NEwS, prcd-PRA, vWD1, and vWD2.
Meet Wolf River’s ” Nala”. Nala is a sable F1b Bernedoodle. She is the sweetest little girl and will be a future mom for our Bernedoodle puppies. She is 34lbs, 20 inches high, and health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, GM2, NEwS, OCD, prcd-PRA, VWD1, and VWD2.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles “Rita”. Rita is a Chocolate Tri Standard Golden Bernedoodle. She is going to be a future mom to some very beautiful bernedoodle babies. She is completely health, coat, and color tested.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Ashes “. Ashes is a English Multigen Mini Goldendoodle. She is a beautiful blue merle who will give us puppies of every color and pattern. She is atat kykb BbEE, 29lbs, 17 inches high, and health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, Ich, MD, NEwS, prcd-PRA, and vWD1.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles “Poppy”. Poppy is a F1B Petite Goldendoodle. She is 13lbs, 14 inches high, and health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, Ich, MD, NEwS, prcd-PRA, and vWD1.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Madison “. Madison is a Mini Multigen Chocolate and white parti Goldendoodle. She will be a future mom to some very cute parti pups. She is 18 inches high, 29lbs, and health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, Ich, MD, NEwS, prcd-PRA, vWD1, CDDY, and CDPA,
Meet Wolf River’s ” Juno “. Juno is a Standard Bernedoodle. She is a future mom of our medium or standard bernedoodle puppies. She is 25 inches high, 78lbs, and health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, and DNA health tested.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodle’s ” Ginger “. Ginger is an F3 Medium Goldendoodle. She will bring us some very sweet and laid back puppies just like her mom Marley. She is completely health, coat, and color tested.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” McKensie “. McKensie is a multigen mini goldendoodle. She is a future mom and daughter of Ruby, so we know that she will have sweet and beautiful babies. She is completely health, coat, and color tested.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodle’s ” Veda “. Veda is a Mini Golden Bernedoodle. She will be the future mom of our petite bernedoodle puppies. We could not be more excited to add this super sweet pup to our family. She is 16 inches high and 22lbs. Health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, and DNA health tested.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Harper “. Harper is a medium English Multigen Goldendoodle. She is a future mom that will bring us super calm and sweet babies. She is 42lbs and is 23 inches high. She is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, Ich, MD, NEwS, prcd-PRA, vWD1. Her color code is BBee.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodle’s ” Cricket “. Cricket is a Mini Multigen Goldendoodle. She is a daughter of Ruby, so I’m sure we will see some very sweet puppies from her. She is 18 inches high, 30lbs, and health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, Ich, MD, NEwS, prcd-PRA, vWD1, CDDY, and CDPA.
Meet MVGD’s ” Porter “. He is an English F1b chocolate standard Goldendoodle. He is 24 inches high, 60lbs., parti factored, IC clear, and his color code is bbEe, ay/ay, ky/kb. He is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, Ich, MD, NEwS, and vWD1. He has such a great laid back English temperament, and will add a lot of chocolate to our future puppies.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Maya “. Maya is a Mini Multigen Goldendoodle. She is a chocolate merle tuxedo parti. She is completely health, coat, and color tested.
Meet Doodle Creek’s ” Guinness “. Guinness is a Mini English F1b Goldendoodle. He is our new little man, who will add a rainbow of colors to our future puppies. Including chocolates, partis, sables, and phantoms. He is ic clear and his color code is bbEE, at/a ky/kb. He is 27lbs. and 17 inches high. He is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, eyes, patellas, DM, MD, Ich, NEwS, GRPRA1, GRPRA2, PRCD, and vWD1.
Meet AKA’s “Rico”. Rico is a Standard English Cream Goldendoodle and the son of our sweet Cosmo. We are so thrilled to add this boy to the CLD family!! He is completely health, coat, and color tested.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles ” Coralline “. Cora is a Standard Multigen Bernedoodle. She will be a future mom to some beautiful tri color puppies. Cora is now 50lbs. and fully health tested!!
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles “Zuri “. Zuri is a Blue Merle Parti Mini Multigen Goldendoodle. She is a mom to some very colorful puppies. She is completely health , coat, and color tested.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles “Winston”. Winston is a Medium Multigen Golden Bernedoodle. He is the sweetest boy and we can’t wait to see his future bernedoodle babies. He is fully health tested. He is not available for stud service.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles “Irie “. Irie is a Blue Merle Parti Mini Multigen Goldendoodle. She is a future mom to some rainbow litters of puppies. She is completely health, coat, and color tested.
Meet Cedar Lake Doodles “Reggie”. Reggie is an English Mini Tri-colored Goldendoodle. He is phantom and parti, and will give us beautiful puppies. He will also be the father to our future sheepadoodles. BbEE, kyky, atat. He is health tested for hips, elbows, heart, patellas, DM, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, Ich, MD, NEwS, prcd-PRA, and vWD1. He is 30lbs and 19 inches high.